Sunday, March 24, 2013

Karter's Birth || Part One

As I sat talking to my doctor Wednesday morning discussing an induction date for the following week, I was going through my very long to-do list I had to finish before Karter came... I figured I had a week, no biggie.

I went about my day running Moose around to school/speech, doing my errands, & cleaning the house. The entire time I was having contractions but didn't think much of them. Finally at 4:30 that evening I was able to sit down & relax... Going over finances I jokingly told my husband it was going to put me into labor. Not but 10 seconds later I had a contraction & wet my pants, so I thought.

I immediately call my husband. which went like this...
Me - "Um, I think my water broke."
Chad - "Well did it?"
Me - "Ummmm... I think... I dunno... It is wet... Hmmm..."
Chad - "Do I need to come home?"
Me - "Well... Hmmm... I dunno... Maybe..."
Chad - "I'm on my way."

So then I call my mom (who lives in Texas).
She answeres, "Your in labor, I knew this would happen!"
Me - "I think... I dunno, my water might have broke."
Mom - "Put a pad on & see what happens."

I stand up & go across the house to my bathroom... half way there I knew it had for sure broke.

Me, "Oh my gosh... YES, my water broke... It won't stop... It is getting everywhere."

I then go into crazy packing & prepping mode, with Moose following behind me... nonstop talking.

Grandparents get to our house for Moose & Chad & I head for the hospital. Chad thinking he could NASCAR his way there was quickly let down since there was a nasty storm & terrible drivers out. That drive had some intense contractions. :)

So began Karter's big arrival.

Once set up & ready to wait I updated my Facebook... How nice one update informed everyone instead of having a calling tree to let everyone know!

Contractions came quick & hard. I did my deep breathing my mom coached me on & got through them pretty good until someone (CHAD) would break my concentration. This is the face of me in pain & laughing, super sexy I know.

Tub = my heaven.

My mom stuck with me the entire time via Skype. Thank goodness for the technology we have now a days!

I reached the point when I couldn't relax my lower body which happened with my first labor so I asked for the epidural. It was a new experience even though I had one my first time around because I could still feel with this one. So the nurse leaves, my mom gets off cam to lay down, Chad lays down to catch some Z's, & Bethany (Chad's sister) & Shawna (amazing friend & photographer for the night) go to move their cars.

Constant pressure hits just 2 minutes later so the nurse comes in & announces it is time.


Everyone had just left. So I call for my camera (thinking I may be photographing while pushing) & start barking orders to Chad to get everyone here NOW!

At this point I feel it all & I am trying not to push since my doctor wasn't there yet. I hear the nurse call out, "Just send the doctor in, there is no time to change!"

Too late... Karter was coming.

Thankfully I had an amazing nurse & she was the one to catch Karter. 

Everyone said the same thing, look how SMALL he was! We were expecting a big ol' boy like Moose but out came this little tiny peanut. He was perfect.

This moment was so emotional for me... I had an intense feeling of knowing him, like I had known him my whole life. I couldn't stop smiling. 

Finding out just how little he was... 6lbs 1 oz. 

He is a thumb/hand sucker.

Totally enjoying these moments & excited to have Moose meet his brother the next day.

This woman is amazing! I can not thank her enough for giving me the gift of capturing Karter's birth. She stuck with me all night & kept me laughing. Love you Shawna!